Our DVDs Make Exercising FUN!
Say goodbye to boring workouts forever. Just put one of our Jogging Scenery DVDs in your DVD player (or download the HD version and view it on your computer, iPad, or Tablet) and instantly you could be jogging in the green Highlands of Scotland... or down a mountain in Maine.... or on a winding road in scenic Ireland.
Customers tell us that our Jogging Scenery videos make the time spent exercising "fly by." They tell us that our virtual expeience videos help motivate them to exercise longer than normal and that they actually "look forward to their workouts."
We already have hour-long Jogging Scenery Videos filmed in Connemara, Ireland, Maine's Mt. Desert Island, County Clare, Ireland, Hollywood, California, and in Scenic Argyll and beside Loch Etive, Scotland we're constantly filming more!
So if you want to exercise, lose weight, get fit, and ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT, our Virtual Experience Scenery Videos can help.
Take a look at our complete DVD catalog and remember to watch video clips from each of our Jogging Scenery DVDs.
Just click here to see our complete DVD Scenery Catalog.
Or click here to see our HD Download Catalog.